NENAs aim is to promote, develop and support club and association coaches and those members that wish to become coaches. The NENA Coaches Convenor collaborates with the Junior Development Convenor in placing a coach with each junior representative team for carnivals the association participates in. They also support these coaches in their role, specifically with organising training and resources including uniforms. The Coaches Convenor is also available to assist clubs with pathway information for coaches and coaching resources.
Coach accreditation has been developed across many sports throughout Australia. The National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) coordinated by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC)is the vehicle available to sports for this accreditation. Many sports have been part of the scheme and have developed various levels of accreditation catering for the needs of coaches from the beginning to the advanced coach.
Clubs should contact the North Eastern Netball Association (NENA) or Netball Tasmania regarding accessing education and training for their coaches including the NCAS. Coaches needto understand the developmental stages in how young people learn and how skills are developed.